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Contact & Interview Information




You are welcome to interview without charge. It's not a therapy session, but a chance for you to evaluate me. It's essential that you are confident in the quality and compassion of your therapist, whether you've been referred to them or not. I'll answer questions about my training, background, life experiences, whatever is important to you and will help you reach an informed decision about selecting a therapist. It is well worth it to hire the best therapist you can find.



Should you wish to set up an appointment, please contact me via the following methods:


Phone: (978) 304-0572


Note: If you are in need of immediate life threatening medical or psychological attention please call 911 or proceed to a hospital.


Please note: I am required to provide this notice by new federal legislation [the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”)]:


The privacy of information sent via email cannot be guaranteed. I encourage you to consider this fact before communicating anything to me over the Internet that you would prefer to keep confidential. According to HIPAA, I am not permitted to communicate with you via email about anything that would be considered Protected Health Information (PHI), that is, information that may identify you and that relates to your past, present or future physical or mental health/condition and related physical or mental health care services. That is why I can only include information about appointment scheduling, location of my office, and matters relating to my policies and procedures in emails I send to clients or prospective clients.


In all professional relationships related to your physical or mental health, you have the right to adequate notice of how your Protected Health Information (PHI) may be used and disclosed. Your PHI can only be used without your specific authorization for purposes of treatment, payment, or health care operations, for the coordination and management of health care among your health care providers, by a health care provider with a third party (e.g., an insurance company), for consultations between your health care providers, and for referrals for health care from one provider to another. Any violation of your rights can be reported to the Office of Civil Rights of U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.


Typically, mental health care practitioners offer more protection of your PHI than current law requires. If we establish a professional relationship, I will provide you with more detailed information about these matters.

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