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Gender Identity

Most people identify with their biological sex and corresponding psychological gender. They were born and raised as a boy or girl and grow up to do both "male" activities and "female" activities without much difficulty. We all wonder from time to time about our gender and how it affects us, but it is not a source of difficulty. We usually just accept that from time to time we may act or feel like the other gender.


However, some people have questions and concerns about their "male" and "female" characteristics. These people may be referred to as transgender. Many people admit to feeling confused about transgenderism, including people who themselves identify as transgender. Briefly stated transgender means that the person does not feel that they fit into the confines of the male or female body that they have been placed in. Sometimes this means that they identify as transsexual and which to have their sex "reassigned" to the "other" sex and sometimes they identify as cross-dressers, people who do not wish to change their bodies, but enjoy dressing in the clothes assigned to the "other" sex. Often they identify simply as "transgender" -- an umbrella term that signifies a crossover or transgression of accepted gender norms.


Although the mental health field has pathologized transgender people, there is little evidence to prove that transgender people have more significant mental health problems than the rest of the population. However, the distress of living with being "differently gendered" within a culture with limited and proscribed acceptable gender roles can be traumatic

Over the many years that I have dealt with gender identity issues, I have taken intense training on gender identity, have developed an extensive network of resources for my clients and I have presented at several conferences. I believe you'll find me to be an extremely compassionate and caring therapist.

Also, I provide psychotherapy, support and resources to partners and families of crossdressers and transgender individuals.

Please call and schedule an interview at no charge - 978-304-0572.

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